
Welcome to Blocks and Patterns, a site dedicated to the evolution of WordPress in the age of Gutenberg.

I along with many others am still trying to figure out the core audience for WordPress as it evolves. I’m going to guess based on the past and future roadmaps, however, that it’s the people who will seek out Blocks and Patterns — those with a passing understanding of HTML/CSS with minimal back-end ability and no understanding of PHP. The roadmap’s moving toward democratize not only content development but site development as well.

Recently turning 19, WordPress is arguably in its most exciting years. That doesn’t mean it’s not without bumps. Our position is that full-site editing is very much in beta. What it makes up for in code quality and speed compared to the Elementors of the world, it still lacks in overall UX.

This opens up an ocean of possibilities for developers of block plugins, patterns, and themes that bridge the gap between WordPress core and what developers and creators need. This site’s mission is to help developers continually improve their products, give ideas to WordPress core, and highlight some of the best work being done on the platform.

If you’d like to see a theme, pattern, or plugin reviewed, submit the name of the asset, what differentiates it from others in the repository to [email protected]